Wednesday, April 1 Strength - Deadlitft Spend 20 minutes working up to 1RM WOD - 10 min EMOM Rx 5 DL 185/135 20 DU L2 155/105 L1 125/75, progressions
Tuesday, March 31
Strength - OH Squat Spend 20 minutes working your way up to 1RM WOD - Mini Nancy (3 RFT) - 12 min cutoff Rx 400m run 15 OH Squats 95/65 L2 - 85/55 L1 - 65/35 Monday, March 30
Strength - Power Clean & Squat Clean Spend 20 minutes working your way up to 1RM on each WOD - 15 min AmRap Rx 400m run 15 Power Clean 135/95 L2 115/75 L1 85/45 Thursday, March 26
Skill - GOAT WORK WOD - 3RFT 20 Slam 35/25 30 Sit-ups with slam ball 400m Run with slam ball Wednesday, March 25
Strength - Bench Press 5@40% 5@60% 3x5RM (+2.5-5) WOD - 12 Min AmRap Rx 7 Thrusters 105/75 14 C2B Pull-ups (any grip) 21 DU L2 7 Thrusters 85/55 14 Pull-ups 21 DU L1 7 Thrusters 65/35 14 Jump pull-ups 21 DU Progressions Tuesday, March 24
WOD Rx (In 10 minutes) 1600m run Max rep deadlifts (225/155) Rest 1 minute (In 6 minutes) 800m run Max rep power cleans (135/95) Rest 1 minute (In 4 minutes) 400m run Max rep front squats (135/95) Rest 1 min (In 2 minutes) 200m run Max rep push jerk (135/95) Monday, March 23
Press WU 5@40% WU 5@60% 3x3RM (add 2.5-5#) WOD - 21,15, 9 (15 minute) Rx Burpees Goblet Squat 53/35 KBS 53/35 400m run after each set L2 44/26 L1 35/13 Thursday, March 19
Skill - GOAT WORK EWOD - 1600m for row for time WOD - 4 RFT 100m run 2 rope climb 10 Burpee box jump 24" L2 100m run 1 rope climb 10 Burpee box jump 20" L1 100m run 1 knotted rope climb or 6 rope pulls 10 Burpee box jump 12" Wednesday, March 18
EWOD - tabata DU x 8 WOD - Main CrossFit With a running clock, every minute perform 1 lift and add 10 lb. Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible. Once you cannot snatch the weight, clean for as long as possible. Once you cannot clean the weight, deadlift for as long as possible. Score heaviest load for the snatch, clean and deadlift Tuesday, March 17
EWOD - 1 mile for time Rest 5 min WOD - 15 min AmRap Rx 5 strict pull-ups 10 HR Pushups 15 Squats |
January 2021
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