Friday, November 29 Strength - deadlift ( % based off 90% of your new 1 rep max) Warmup 5 reps x 2 Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 85% 5+reps “Jack” (3 partners) - 20 min AMRAP ***Start with 800m run (partners run together) Rx 10 Push Press (115/80) partner a 10 KB Swings (53/35) partner b 10 Box Jumps (24/20) partner c L2 PP - 95/60 KB- 35/26 BJ - 20/18 L1 PP - 75/40 KB - 26/13 BJ - 18/12 Switch when each partner has completed their station (1 round is counted when each partner has done all 3 stations)
Wednesday, November 27
Strength - Bench Press (% based off 90% of new 1 rep max) Warmup - 2 sets of 5 Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 - 85% 5+reps WOD - Kallista - For time 30x Clean & jerk Rx (bw) L2 (75% of bw) L1 (50% of bw) Tuesday, November 26
Skill - medball cleans WOD - 5 RFT Rx 15x Pull-ups 15x Front Squats 75# 15x Med ball Sit-ups 20# 15x Double unders 15x Push-ups L2 15x Pull-ups 15x Front Squats 45# 15x Medball Sit-ups 14# 15x Double unders 15x Push-ups L1 15x Jump/banded Pull-ups 15x Air Squats 15x Sit-ups 45x Jump rope 15x Modified Push-ups Monday, November 25
Strength - Back Squat (90%) of your new 1 rep max Warmup - 2 sets of 5 Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 85% 5+ reps WOD - Find a Partner!!! 100 burpee box jumps Rx - 24" L2 - 20" L1 - 12" - 18" Friday, Nov 22
Strength - deadlift (find 1 rep max) WOD - 18 min EMOM 20 - OH walking lunge with plate 20 - sit-ups 10 calorie row Rx - 45# L2 - 25# L1 - 10# Thursday, Nov 21 Skill - 5 minute EMOM x Squat Snatch 5rep WOD Rx 50 Wall balls #20/14 10 Burpee muscle-ups 40 Wall balls 8 Burpee muscle-ups 30 Wallballs 6 Burpee muscle-ups 20 Wall balls 4 Burpee muscle-ups 10 Wall balls 2 Burpee muscle-ups L2 - 16/12 & burpee pull-ups L1 - 14/10 & Burpees Skill - 5 minute EMOM x Squat Snatch 5reps Rx 50 Wallballs #20/14 10 Burpee muscle-ups 40 Wallballs 8 Burpee muscle-ups 30 Wallballs 6 Burpee muscle-ups 20 Wallballs 4 Burpee muscle-ups 10 Wallballs 2 Burpee muscle-ups L2 50 Wallballs #16/12 10 Burpee pull-up 40 Wallballs 8 Burpee pull-up 30 Wallballs 6 Burpee pull-up 20 Wallballs 4 Burpee pull-up 10 Wallballs 2 Burpee pull-up L1 50 Wallballs #14/10 10 Burpee 40 Wallballs 8 Burpee 30 Wallballs 6 Burpee 20 Wallballs 4 Burpee 10 Wallballs 2 Burpee Wednesday, Nov 20
Bench Press - find your 1 rep max WOD 8 min clock Run 400m finish off with push press 95/65 Rest 1 minute 6 minute clock Run 400m finish off with air squats Rest 1 minute Run 400m Rx - 105/75 L2 - 85/55 L1 - 65/35 Tuesday, Nov 19
Skill - Rope Climbs METCON - 50,40,30,20,10 Rx Deadlifts 135/95 Sit-ups DU L2 Deadlifts 115/75 Sit-ups DU - cut numbers in half L1 Deadlifts 95/55 Sit-ups Jump rope - triple the numbers Monday, Nov 18
Back Squat - find your 1 RM (15 minutes) METCON - 12 MIN AMRAP Rx 5 Power Cleans 135/95 10 T2B (feet touch bar each time) 15 slams 35/25 L2 5 Power Cleans 115/75 10 T2B 15 slams 25/15 L1 5 Power Cleans 95/55 10 T2B 15 slams 15/10 Friday, Nov 15
Week 4 (deload) Wendler - remember 90% of 1RM Deadlifts 5 warmup reps 5reps @ 40% 5reps @ 50% 5 reps @ 60% METCON - 12 min amrap Rx 3 deadlift (255/185) 6 burpee broad jump 9 leg lifts L2 3 deadlift (185/135) 6 burpee broad jump 9 leg lifts L1 3 deadlift (155/105) 6 burpee broad jump 9 leg lifts |
January 2021
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