Max Effort Skill Day
3 Min Max Double Unders 3 Min Max Pistols 3 Min Max Muscle Ups (substitute ring dips & pull-ups) 3 Min Max Burpees 3 Min Max Rope Climbs 5 stations 3 minutes of work at each station 2 minutes of rest/recovery after each station
Tuesday April 30, 2013
strength - back squats & bench press WOD - 12 minute 200m run 21, 15, 9 KB swing 53/35 SDHP 53/35 Russian Twist 53/35 200m run Monday April 29, 2013
WOD - Grace 30 Clean & Jerk 135/95 2 mile run Friday, April 26, 2013
Skill - Rope Climb (wear tall socks) WOD - tabata mash up (19 minutes) 8 rds each Wall Balls 20/16 1 minute rest Calorie Row 1 minute rest Sit-ups 1 minute rest Push-ups Thursday, April 25, 2013
Strength - cleans & press Warmup 3x3 3 rep max WOD - 12 min 400m run Remaining time AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 24" 10 Ring Dips Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Skill - OH Squats spend ten minute working on form WOD - chipper 30 One armed kb swing (split sides) 53/35 30 Burpees 30 T2B 20 One armed kb swing (split sides) 20 Burpees 20 T2B 10 One armed kb swing (split sides) 10 Burpees 10 T2B Strength - Back Squats
Warmup 3x3 5.5.5 WOD - 3RFT - 12 minute cutoff 400m run 50 air squats 25 reverse crunch Monday April 22, 2013
Refer to November 14, 2012 Wittman - 7 Rounds 15 kb swings - 53/35 15 power cleans 95/65 15 box jumps 24/20 Skill - med ball cleans
Buy in 5 Burpees 10 Press 115/75 15 Overhead squat 115/75 20 Push press 115/75 25 Front squat 115/75 30 Push jerk 115/75 35 Back squat 115/75 Buy out 5 Burpees April 18, 2013 - Thursday
Strength - Dead Lift Warmup 5 x 2 3.3.3 WOD 3RFT 10 L DB Snatch 50/30 10 R DB Snatch 50/30 15 Goblet squat 53/35 25 sit-ups |
January 2021
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