Friday, April 1
Strength - Front Squat 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95% WOD 21,15,9 Rx Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/95 Push Press 135/95 C2BPU L2 Front Rack Walking Lunges 105/65 Push Press 105/65 Pull-up L1 Front Rack Walking Lunges 75/35 Push Press 75/35 Jump PU
Thursday, March 31
Skill - MB Cleans 3x10 (increase ball weight each rd) WOD - 9 Rep Squat Clean Ladder (9 min cap) Start weight 255/125 (add 5 lbs each additional rep in the ladder) Wednesday, March 30
Strength - Bench Press WU 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95% WOD - 15 Min AmRap Rx 6 HSPU 12 Box Jump 24" 1 Legless Rope Climb L2 6 HSPU (1 mat) 12 Box Jump 20" 1 Rope Climb L1 6 Mod HSPU 12 Box Jump / Step up 12" 1 Knotted Rope Climb / 3 rope pulls Tuesday, March 29
Skill - Bar Muscle Ups WOD - For Time 100 DU 75 Sit-ups 50 Wall Ball 20/16 25 T2B 50 Wall Ball 75 Sit-ups 100 DU Monday, March 28
Strength - Back Squat WU 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95% WOD - 3RFT 400M run 10 C&J 135/95 L2 (115/75) L1 (85/45) Workout 16.5
21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Thrusters Burpees M 95 lb. F 65 lb. Workout 16.5 score submissions are still open. Thursday, March 24
Skill - GOAT Work WOD - 4RFT Rx 4 TGU (split) 53/35# 8 KB Snatch (split) 16 KB Swing L2 35/26# L1 26/13# Wednesday, March 23
Strength - Deadlift WU 3@70% 3@80% 3@90% WOD - 10 min AmRap Rx 10 Ring Dips 5 Front Squats (185/135#) L2 10 Banded (orange/red) 5 Front Squat (135/95#) L1 10 Banded or Tricep Dips 5 Front Squat (95/45#) Tuesday, March 22
Skill - Paralette PT's WOD - For Time DU ( HPC 75/55# ( 200m run after each set of HPC Monday, March 21
Strength - Press WU 3@70% 3@80% 3@90% WOD - 4 rounds 1 min max DB Box Step ups 24/20", 100/50# 1 min max DB Push Press 100/50# 1 Min max DB Russian Twist 50/25# 1 Min Rest L2 (80/40#) L1 (20/12") (60/20#) |
January 2021
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