Friday August 30
Strength - deadlift (add 10 pounds to your 1 rep max) Warmup 5 reps x 2 3sets of 5 reps (% based off 90% of 1 rep max) Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 - 85% 5+reps Buyin - 10 chin-up METCON - 4RFT Rx 50 DU 10 Power cleans 135/95 L2 25 DU 10 PC 115/75 L1 150 jump rope 10 PC 95/55
Thursday August 29
Skill - TGU METCON Rx 800 m run 10 med ball cleans 20/16 15 goblet squats 53 20 box jumps 24" 400 m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps 200 m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps L2 600 m run 10 med ball cleans 16/12 15 goblet squats 53/35 20 box jumps 20" 400 m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps 200 m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps L1 400m run 10 med ball cleans 14/10 15 goblet squats 35/26 20 box jumps @24/20 200m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps 100m run 10 med ball cleans 15 goblet squats 20 box jumps Wednesday August 28
Strength - bench press (add 5 pounds to your 1 rep max) Warmup 5 reps 3sets of 5 reps (% based off 90% of 1 rep max) Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 - 85% 5+reps 50 it is!!! Rx 50 sit-ups 50 wall balls 20/16 50 push ups 50 calorie row 50 KB Swings 53/35 L2 50 sit-ups 50 wall balls 16/14 50 push ups 50 calorie row 50 KB Swings 35/26 L1 50 sit-ups 50 wall balls 14/10 50 push ups 50 calorie row 50 KB Swings 26/18 Tuesday August 27 Skill - pistol work Run with Mary - 20 min AMRAP Rx 800m run (1 time) 5 HSPU (1 mat) 10 Pistols (alternating) 15 pull-ups L2 800m run (1 time) 5 HSPU (2mats) 10 Modified Pistols (alternating) 15 pull-ups L1 400m run (1 time) 5 Modified HSPU 10 Box Pistols (alternating) 15 jump pull-ups Monday August 26
Wendler Week 1 Cycle 2 Strength - back squat (add 10 pounds to your 1 rep max) Warmup 5 reps x2 3 sets of 5 reps (% based off 90% of 1 rep max) Set 1 65% 5 reps Set 2 75% 5 reps Set 3 - 85% 5 + reps METCON 21, 15, 9, 15, 21 Rx Deadlifts 225/155 Burpees L2 Deadlifts 195/125 Burpees L1 Deadlifts 155/85 Burpees Friday August 23
Week 4 (deload) Wendler - remember 90% of 1RM Deadlift - 5 warmup reps 5reps @ 40% 5reps @ 50% 5 reps @ 60 Mini Cindy - 10 min amrap Rx 5 pull-ups (Chin over the bar) 10 push ups 15 air squats L2 5 pull-ups 10 push ups 15 air squats L1 5 jump pull-ups 10 modified push-ups 15 air squats Thursday August 22 Skill - L Holds/L Sits tabata x 8 WOD - 3 RFT Rx 800m run 100 m farmer walk (90/50) 100du/200 jump ropes 50 sit-ups 10 tire flips L2 600m run 100 m farmer walk (80/40) 50du/150 jump ropes 50 sit-ups 10 tire flips L1 400m run 100 m farmer walk (70/30) 100 jump ropes 50 sit-ups 10 tire flips Wednesday August 21
Week 4 (deload) Wendler - remember 90% of 1RM Bench Press - 5 warmup reps 5reps @ 40% 5reps @ 50% 5 reps @ 60% WOD 1 - 2 min amrap Rx Box jumps 24 - L2 24/20 - L1 20/12 Rest 2 minutes WOD 2 - 2 min amrap Rx Deadlifts 185/135 L2 155/105 - L1 125/75 Rest 2 minutes WOD 3 - for time 400 meter sprint & 100 air squats Tuesday August 20
Skill - DU Metcon 5 RFT Rx Run 200m 30 Push Press 55/35 20 Slams 35/25 10 Burpees L2 Run 200m 30 Push Press 45/25 20 Slams 25/15 10 Burpees L1 Run 100m 30 Push Press 35/15 20 Slams 20/10 10 Modified Burpees August 19, 2013 Week 4 (Deload) Wendler - remember 90% of 1RM Back squats - 5 warmup reps 5reps @ 40% 5reps @ 50% 5 reps @ 60% Metcon - Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps Squat Clean 135/95 lbs Ring dips Refer to June 3, 2013 |
January 2021
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