Wednesday 05.01.19
WOD (For Time) 1,000m Row 30 DB Snatches 15 BBJO 20 DB Snatches 10 BBJO 10 DB Snatches 5 BBJO RX DBS - 50/35#, BBJO - 24/20” L2 - 35/25#, 24/20” L1 - 25/15#, 20/12” Body Armor (4 sets) 6 Weighted Strict PU 12 Weighted GM 15 GHDSU Max Effort L-sit ***rest 2 Min between Rds **GM (25/35% of BS) **build to a moderate weight on PU & GM
Tuesday 04.30.19
Skill 1:30 x 7rds 15/12 Cal Row Max Rep Strict HSPU Strength 3x3 split & press (25-40% of SJ) 3x3 jerk balance (25-40%) 5x2 split Jerk Set 1 @70% Set 2 @ 75% Set 3-5 build to a heavy double WOD (5RFT) 200m run 2 Power Cleans & Jerks ***increase by 2 reps each rd Rx - 155/105 L2 - 125/75 L1 - 95/45 Monday 04.29.19***Strength
Back Squat Waves WU / Setup Set 1 - 4 @ 72% Set 2 - 2 @ 78% Set 3 - 4 @ 72% Set 4 - 2 @ 82% Set 5 - 4 @ 72% Set 6 - 2 @ 86% ******************** Back Rack Reverse Lunges 2 x 14 @ 40% Percentage based off current/estimated 1RM Back Squat. Each set is 7 reps per leg, for the total of 14 ******************* Snatch-10 MIN EMOM Odd - 3 Position PS Even - 3 Position SS FRIDAY 04.26.19
PWOD - 20 Min AmRap 20 Box Jumps 24/20-“ 20 KBS 53/35 Partner A will run 400m while Partner B completes as many rounds/reps of the AMRAP. Then switch and start reps where the other left off. Rest 3 Min PWOD 20 Min EMOM 5 Pull-ups 10 Slams During the first minute, Partner A completes 5 pull-ups while Partner B completes 10 Slams Partners swap for the second minute and so on. Thursday 04.25.19
Skill / Strength-7 sets 1 Pausing PC 1 PC Set 1 - 50% (PC 1RM) Set 2 - 55% Set 3 - 60% Set 4&5 - 65% Set 6&7 - 70% WOD - 4RFT 40 DU 5 PC 155/105 7 Bar facing burpee ***Rest 1 Min Wednesday 04.24.19
Strength - 12 Min EMOM Odd - 3 Front Squat Even - 3 Back Squat (78% of FS 1 rep max for both) WOD - 3RFT 15/12 Cal Assault 3 rope climb 9 HSPU 18 T2B Tuesday 04.23.19
Skill 5 Rds 2 BMU 3 Strict PU WOD - Open 19.1 (15 min AmRap) Rx 19 Wall ball 20/14 19 Cal Row Friday 04.19.19
PWOD - For Time Buy-in***400m run 30/25 Cal Assault 50 Thrusters 95/65 30/25 Cal Assault 40 Thrusters 30/25 Cal Assault 30 Thrusters 30/25 Cal Assault 20 Thrusters 30/25 Cal Assault 10 Thrusters Buyout***400m run ***split all reps evenly ***run together Thursday
Strength - 10 Min EMOM Odd - 1 Front Squat Even - 3 Back Squat (75% of FS 1 rep max for both) WOD 5 Min AmRap 20 DU 10 Parallette Pushup Rest 1 Min 5 Min AmRap 10 T2B 10 MBSU 20/14# Rest 1 Min 5 Min AmRap 10 KBS 70/53 10 Alt Pistol ****straight count to 10 Wednesday 04.17.19
Strength Bench Press 3x8 @ 70% WOD - For Time HSPU Deadlifts (225/155) |
January 2021
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