05.01.20 “At Home” WOD “Round-a-Bout" For Time: 50 Single Arm Alt DB Squat Cleans 100 Double Unders 50 Burpees 100 Double Unders 50 Single Arm Alt DB Squat Cleans STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Working through 3 movements in this up and back chipper style workout • We expect this piece to take around 15-20 minutes to complete • Hitting both heads of the bell on the ground between the feet, you'll alternate arms every rep • Choose a weight here you are capable of completing for 20+ unbroken reps when fresh • If you don't have a rope, complete 50 over and back hops over the dumbbell or odd object • For this sub, over and back is 1 rep • burpee - lower chest and thigh to the ground and jump to full EXT with hips open and hands above head MODIFICATIONS SINGLE ARM ALTERNATING DUMBBELL SQUAT CLEANS • Odd Object Squat Cleans • 100 Air Squats DOUBLE UNDERS • 50 Over and Back Hops • Reduce Reps • 150 Single Unders (1.5x) • 3 Minutes of Practice BURPEES
WARMUP Mobility (1 Min each) Wrist stretch Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Pigeon pose x 2 Ankle stretch x 2 5 Minutes For Quality 5 Push-up to Down Dog 10 Pausing Air Squats (3 Seconds in Bottom) 40 Single Unders ******************* Body Armor EMOM x 10: 1st Minute: 4 Tempo Split Squats (Left) 2nd Minute: 4 Tempo Split Squats (Right) Tempo: 4 Seconds Down, Fast Up STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • With your back foot elevated (chair, box, bench..) slowly lower down into a single leg split squat • Today's tempo is 4 seconds down + fast up • Bodyweight may be challenging enough - but you can also hold a pair dumbbells • Choose a loading that allows you to maintain this tempo for 20 total reps on each side • Alternate legs every minute on the minute (5 sets each side)
04.30.20 “At Home” WOD *Active Recovery * Mini Murph 800m run 50 Pull-ups 100 Pushups 150 Air squats 800m run ***all completed with 20/14# vest ***partition reps however you choose ***run must be completed at the beginning and end of reps ***sub vest with weighted backpack or no weight ***sub run for a fast paced walk ***sub pull-ups with odd object rows ***sub regular pushups for knee pushups WU 200m jog Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Figure 4 x 2 Ankle stretch Cossack squats Elbow to palm plank Air squat (3 sec bottom pause) 200m jog Wednesday 04.29.20
“At Home” WOD "Bergeron DBeep Test" On the Minute For As Long As Possible: 7 Single DB Goblet Thrusters 7 Alt Single DB Power Snatches 7 Burpees After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • The "Bergeron DBeep Test" is a twist on the benchmark workout "Bergeron Beep Test" • Every minute on the minute for as long as possible, you'll complete the 21 listed reps • When you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute, the workout is done • Your score is total completed rounds and reps • The goal is to choose weights, rep schemes, and movement variations that allow for at least 7-10 rounds • If you are not able to make it to 7 minutes, continue to complete the workout AMRAP style until 10:00 on the clock * For Example: * If you only make it to 5 minutes, abandon trying to go "on the minute" and simply complete as many rounds and reps as possible for 5 more minutes * In this scenario, record your score as total completed "On the Minute" rounds • To make sure we're not working forever, we'll add 1 rep to each movement after 10 rounds * Round 11: 8 Reps of Everything * Round 12: 9 Reps of Everything * Round 13: 10 Reps of Everything... • Use one dumbbell for this movement, holding one head in each hand • It's essentially like holding a very short barbell ***************** WARMUP Mobility (1 min each) Wrist stretch Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Pigeon pose x 2 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Slow Air Squats 30 Seconds Spiderman + Reach 30 Seconds Down Dog 3 Rounds 20 Seconds Jumping Jacks 20 Seconds Air Squat Jumps 20 Seconds Mountain Climbers ******************** “No Equipment” "Bergeron DBeep Test" On the Minute For As Long As Possible: 7 Odd Object Thrusters 7 Odd Object Ground to Overhead 7 Burpees ******************* Body Armor AMRAP 5: Strict Pull-ups EMOM 7 Dumbbell Push-ups STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Today's body armor is max strict pull-ups in 5 minutes • However, your progress will be interrupted by 7 dumbbell push-ups every minute on the minute • Place your hands on dumbbell handles to create a slight deficit MODIFICATIONS Strict Pull-ups • inverted Rows • Odd-Object Rows Dumbbell Push-ups • No deficit • Elevated feet Tuesday
04.28.20 “At Home” WOD "Tiger Balm" (20 Min AmRap) 200 Meter Run 7 Double DB Power Clean and Jerks 40 Double Unders STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • This longer AMRAP includes a little cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics • Each station is designed to be relatively short - ideally taking 1 minute or less to complete • If you don't have a jump rope, complete 40 lateral line hops (Over & Back = 2 Reps) • That being said, we can expect to complete 6+ rounds today DOUBLE DUMBBELL POWER CLEAN AND JERKS • Choose a weight here that you can complete within 1-2 sets each round • One head of each dumbbell will touch the ground outside of the feet at the bottom of each rep • You can push press or push jerk the weight overhead • If you have only 1 dumbbell - complete 14 Alternating Power Clean and Jerks • If you don't have a dumbbell - complete an odd object power clean and jerk or choose from a variation in "subs" MODIFICATIONS DOUBLE DUMBBELL POWER CLEAN AND JERKS • 14 Single Dumbbell Alternating Clean and Jerks (Hit Dumbbell Between Legs) • Odd Object Power Clean and Jerks RUN • 20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs • 30 Mountain Climbers • 30 Squat Jumps ****************** WARMUP Mobility Ankle x 2 Shoulder stretch x 2 Pike stretch Child’s pose Figure 4 x 2 6 Minutes For Quality 5 Inchworms 100 Meter Run 20 Single Leg Glute Bridges (10 Each Side) 40 Single Unders ******************* (No Equipment) "Tiger Balm" 20 Min AmRap 200 Meter Run 7 Odd Object Power Clean and Jerks 40 Double Unders ******************** Body Armor 21-18-15-12-9: Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Left) Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Right) Overhead Tricep Extensions STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Working pulling and pushing accessory movements in today's upper body focused body armor • Not being on the clock - this is a great opportunity to go heavier than you normally would • Choose a weight that allows you to complete the higher rep numbers within 1-2 sets • Rest as needed between movements to maintain quality Monday
04.27.20 “At Home” WOD "Barbs" 3 Rounds: 10 Strict Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 Sit-ups 40 Jumping Lunges 30 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups 10 Strict Pull-ups Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • This all bodyweight workout is a twist on the benchmark "Barbara" • After completing the 7 stations, you'll rest 3 minutes between rounds • With a fair amount of rest built in and little interference between consecutive movements, the goal is work quickly through each round • Your score is the total time it takes to complete the 3 rounds, including rest time STRICT PULL-UPS • Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 1-3 sets • If you don't have a pull-up bar available - complete 20 odd object rows PUSH-UPS • Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 2-4 sets SIT-UPS • Use an AbMat for this station if you have it • If not, you can anchor your feet under dumbbells or your couch JUMPING LUNGES • Alternate legs every rep for a total of 20 each side • Jump to full lower body extension at the top of each rep • Gently kiss the back knee to the ground at the bottom of each rep • If jumping lunges bother the knees in any way, switch to alternating step back lunges MODIFICATIONS STRICT PULL-UPS • 20 Odd Object Rows *************************** WARMUP (1 Min each) Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Slow Cossack squats Spiderman + Reach Active Samson Push-up to Down Dog Front Plank on Palms Side Plank (30 Seconds Each Side) Hollow Hold 1 Round 3 Strict Pull-ups 6 Push-ups 12 AbMat Sit-ups 24 Step Back Lunges ****************** Body Armor Tabata Dumbbell Front Squats or Odd-Object Zercher Squat 8 Rounds: 20 Second Work 10 Seconds Rest STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Hold 2 dumbbells in the front rack position for these squatting intervals • Tabata Intervals: 8 Rounds: 20 Seconds Work 10 Seconds Rest • With rest built in, the goal is to move for as much of the 20 seconds as possible • If 2 dumbbells is too heavy and will cause you to stop moving - only use 1 dumbbell • In this case, you can hold the bell in the goblet position Saturday 04.24.20
“At Home” WOD SOUL CRUSHER (For Time) (35) 25 Rds x 2 1 Burpee 2 Alt DB Snatch (1/1) 3 Situps 4 Goblet Squats **400m DB run after each of the 25 Rds Sub for DB KB or odd object ******************* WU Mobility Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Figure 4 x 2 2rds 200m Jog 10 GM (PVC, Band or broom) 10 Cossack Squat 10 Air squats 10 Spider/Reach 10 Pushups ***************** Body Armor Tabata Side Planks: 8 Rounds: 20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Rest STIMULUS DESCRIPTION •A simple and effective core focus for today's Body Armor piece •The challenge here comes from completing all 8 rounds on 1 side before switching to the other side •Focus on keeping your hips high and pushed forward so the body is in a straight line from head to toe •There is no rest between sides on top of the 10 seconds of rest following the 8th set •With some rest built in, try to hold for as much of the 20 seconds as possible Friday 04.24.20
“At Home” WOD "Cindvee" 20 Min AmRap 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Minutes 0-10: Wear Pack or Weight Vest Minutes 11-20: Bodyweight STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • "Cindvee" is a twist on a popular benchmark workout • For the first 10 minutes of the workout, you'll complete this triplet workout weighted • You can use a weight vest or a back pack loaded with weight • You'll ditch the weight for the final 10 minutes, finishing out the workout with just your bodyweight • Choose a weight that allows you to complete the strict pull-ups and push-ups within 3 sets MODIFICATIONS STRICT PULL-UPS • 10 Odd Object Rows • Dumbbell Weighted Strict Pull-ups _ • Banded Strict Pull-ups • Ring Rows PUSH-UPS • Deficit Push-ups • Hand Release Push-ups _ • Elevate Hands to Box or Bench • Knee Push-ups ********************** WARMUP Mobility (1 min each) Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Pigeon Pose x 2 1 Round: 1 Minute Hollow Hold 1 Minute Wall Sit 1 Minute Front Plank 2 Rounds: 30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog 30 Seconds Single Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side) 30 Seconds Slow Air Squats 2 Rounds: 2 Strict Pull-ups 4 Push-ups 8 Air Squats ****************** No equipment "Cindvee" AMRAP 20: 9 Push-ups 15 Odd Object Rows 21 Air Squats ****************** Body Armor 3 Sets For Max Reps: Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press (Each Side) STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • We're working shoulder stamina in today's Body Armor • Complete max unbroken reps on each arm of a Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press • When the bell is on the shoulders, the palm will be rotated to face the body • As you press the bell overhead, you'll rotate the hand to a neutral position • Focus on keeping the chest upright and torso static throughout the movement • Choose a weight that ideally allows for 10+ reps each set • Rest as needed between arms and sets Thursday 04.23.20
“At Home” WOD Active Recovery 5 Rounds: 200m Run 1 Minute Reverse Lunges 1 Minute DU/SU 1 Minute KBS/DBS (53/35) 1 Min Russian Twist 1 Minute Rest *************** (Not for a score) Sub single unders for DU Sub DB for KB *************** WARMUP Mobility (1 min each) Shoulder stretch x 2 Ankle stretch x 2 Figure 4 x 2 Pigeon pose x 2 Quad stretch x 2 ******** 2rds 200m Jog 40 Single Unders 20 Cossack Squat 10 Pushups Wednesday
04.22.20 “At Home” WOD "Grip and Rip" [On the 0:00] For Time: 21 Burpees 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 18 Burpees 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 15 Burpees 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 12 Burpees 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" [On the 10:00] For Time: 21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" 12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Dumbbell DT" STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Part 1 of the workout is for time and begins on the 0:00 • 1 Rd of "Dumbbell DT" is to be completed with 2 Dumbbells and goes as follows: 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks ******** • We'll time cap Part 1 at 9 minutes to allow for at least 1 minute of rest before beginning part 2 • Part 2 begins is also for time and begins on the 10:00 • In this section, you'll alternate between air squat hops over the dumbbell and 1 round of "Dumbbell DT" • There is no time cap for this part • Your score is the sum total of Part 1 + Part 2 DUMBBELL DT • You are ideally able to complete the hang power cleans and push jerks unbroken for each round of "Dumbbell DT" • If you only have heavier weights that do not allow for this, reducing the rep scheme to something like 9-6-3 can help you achieve the desired stimulus • If you only have 1 dumbbell available, complete one of the following options: * Option 1: 12 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (6 Each Side) 9 Russian Dumbbell Swings (Hold 1 Head of Dumbbell) 6 Single Dumbbell Push Jerks (Hold Both Heads of Barbell) * Option 2: 12 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (6 Each Side) 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Cleans (5 Each Side) 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Jerks (4 Each Side) AIR SQUAT HOPS • For the Air Squat Hops, you'll complete an air squat on one side of the dumbbell, then jump laterally over weight • A rep is counted every time the feet hit on the other side of the bell MODIFICATIONS DUMBBELL DT • 27 Kettlebell Swings (Equal Reps to "DT") ******************* WARMUP Mobility (1 min each) Shoulder stretch x 2 Pike stretch Palm Plank hold Figure 4 x 2 Quad stretch c 2 **** 1 Minute Active Spidermans 40 Sec Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (20 Sec Each Side) 1 Min Frog Hops 40 Sec Single Dumbbell Russian Swings (20 Seconds Each Side) 1 Minute Mountain Climbers 40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Push Press (20 Seconds Each Side) ********************* (No equipment) "Grip and Rip" [On the 0:00] For Time: 21 Burpees 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 18 Burpees 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 15 Burpees 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 12 Burpees 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" [On the 10:00] For Time: 21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" 12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell 1 Round of "Odd Object DT" ****************** Body Armor 3 Giant Sets: :30 Seconds Bent Over Row Hold (Right) :30 Seconds Bent Over Row Hold (Left) :30 Seconds Overhead Hold (Right) :30 Seconds Overhead Hold (Left) Rest 1 Minute Between Sets STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Today's Body Armor is focused on isometric holds • Let's choose weights that are challenging, but allow for unbroken 30 second holds • You can use one weight across or increase over the 3 sets • If you only have lighter weights available, lengthen out these holds to 45-60 seconds • If you only have heavier weights available, shorter these holds to 15-25 seconds • There is no rest between each movement, but 1 minute of rest between rounds Tuesday 04.21.20
“At Home” WOD "Oxygen" 3 RFT 25 Strict Pull-ups 400 Meter Run 50 Sit-ups 800 Meter Run STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • All bodyweight movements today in this longer 3-round workout • We expect this piece to take around 30-36 minutes to complete • Let's choose a rep number or variation that allows you to complete the 25 reps in no more than 3 minutes MODIFICATIONS STRICT PULL-UPS
400 METER RUNS • 500 Meter Row • 25/18 Calorie Assault • 30 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs 800 METER RUNS • 800 Meter Row • 50/35 Calorie Assault • 60 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs WARMUP Mobility Ankle stretch x 2 Shoulder stretch x 2 Quad stretch x 2 Figure 4 x 2 Easy Jog: 400 Meters 2 Rounds: 30 Seconds Knuckle Drags 30 Sec Hollow Hold 30 Sec Active Samson ***************** "Oxygen" 3 RFT 50 Odd Object Rows 400 Meter Run 50 Sit-ups 800 Meter Run ***************** Body Armor Alternating Tabata: 1. Banded Pull Aparts 2. Hollow Rocks STIMULUS DESCRIPTION • Tabata Intervals = 8 Rounds: 20 Second On + 10 Seconds Rest • The flow of the workout goes: 8 Rounds: 20 Seconds Banded Pull Aparts 10 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds Hollow Rocks 10 Seconds Rest • Choose a band tension that allow you to move for all 20 seconds • If the hollow rocks are too challenging - complete hollow holds MODIFICATIONS Banded Pull-Aparts •Scapular Push-ups MOVEMENT VIDEOS •Banded Pull Aparts: •Hollow Rocks: |
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