Wednesday 04.01.20
”At Home” WOD (Scroll down for no equipment version) "Kansas City" 5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between: 3 Min AmRap 6 Burpees 8 Alternating Single Arm Squat Cleans 10 Lateral Over-And-Back DB Hops* *New standard: Hopping over and back = 1 rep STIMULUS •3 Minutes on 1 Minute off in these fast paced intervals •Since these are 3 Minute AMRAPs you'll move back to the burpees following the lateral DB Hops • The goal is to choose rep schemes, weights, and variations that allows for 2+ rounds to be completed within the 3 minutes • Standard burpees today, hitting the chest on the ground and jumping with a full hip extension at the top •The Alternating Single Arm Squat cleans will start with both heads of the dumbbell in between the feet for each rep •We will alternate hands after every rep •For each lateral Db hop, over and back will count as 1 rep •Your score will be total rounds + reps for all 5 AMRAPs, enter each score separately and SugarWOD will add them together for a sum total WARM-UP Mobility Shoulder stretch x 2 Figure 4 x 2 Pigeon x 2 8 Minutes For Quality: 30 Sec Hollow Hold 200 Meter Jog 10 PVC PT 5 Inchworm to Push-ups *Use broomstick, or towel/band ***************** "Kansas City" (No Equipment Version) 5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between: AMRAP 3: 6 Burpees 8 Odd-Object Squat Cleans 10 Lateral Over-And-Back Odd-Object Hops Extra work Tabata x 6 (20:10) Scissors
Tuesday 03.31.20
“At Home” WOD (Scroll to the bottom for no equipment version) "Strict Nicole" AMRAP 20: 400 Meter Run Max Strict Pull-Ups STIMULUS • Run at a moderate pace that you could sustain for 6+ rounds and that allows you to thrive on the goblet thrusters • This workout is all about finding a consistent break-up strategy to carry you across the 20 minutes of work • Taking short, calculated breaks through the strict pull-ups can sometimes allow you to move faster than bigger sets with longer breaks WARM-UP Mobility *Shoulder stretch x 2 *Pigeon pose x 2 *Quad stretch x 2 For Quality 100m job 6 Inchworms 6 DB Strict Press (no weight = pushups) 6 Broad Jumps 100m jog 4 Inchworms 4 DB Strict Press 4 Broad Jumps 100m jog 2 Inchworms 2 DB Strict Press 2 Broad Jumps (Performed with light DB) ******************* "Strict Nicole" (No equipment version) AMRAP 20: 400 Meter Run Max time plank hold (forearm or palm) **Core work** (6 sets) 30 Sec Russian Twist 30 Sec rest (With or without weight) Monday 03.30.20
“At Home” WOD (Scroll down for no equipment) "Cookie Monster" AMRAP 15: 20 Alt Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches 40 Double-Unders 20 Burpees 40 Double-Unders **sub 80 Single Unders for DU STIMULUS • Looking to complete 5+ rounds in this 15 minute AMRAP • Find a moderate- heavy weight on the DB that will allow you to complete the set unbroken • The main thing to consider today is how to attack the burpees, this is likely where people will get held up • Aim to complete the double unders unbroken WARM-UP 1 Min each Shoulder stretch x 2 Ankle stretch x 2 Pigeon pose x 2 3 Rounds: 10 Cossack squat 10 Push-ups 25 Single unders ****************** "Cookie Monster" ( no equipment version) AMRAP 15: 20 "Odd-Object" Ground-to-Overhead 20 Lateral Hops over "Odd-Object" 20 Burpees 20 Lateral Hops over "Odd-Object" ******************* Body Armor 3 Giant Sets: 10 Lying Toes to Bar 15 Dumbbell Floor Press (sub pushups) 100m Double DB Front Rack Walk (Sub odd object) Rest 2:00 between sets. Saturday 03.28.20
”At Home” WOD (scroll down for no equipment version) "SeaWorld" On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds: 10 Alternating Single DB Power CJ 400m Run 100m Single DB Farmer Carry STIMULUS •6 intervals total, starting every 5:00 •Starting times are 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, 20:00, and 25:00 •Aim is to push our paces here, given work rest, but to be consistent across all •The alternating single dumbbell power clean and jerk will begin on the ground in between the legs •The movement will move to the shoulder and then finish over head •Record all five times to gauge pacing WARM-UP (1 min each) Quad stretch x 2 Pigeon pose x 2 2 sets 1 Minute Jog 30 Arm Swings 20 Cossack squat 20 Air Squats 10 FB Swings (eye level) ****************** "SeaWorld" (No Equipment Version): On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds: 20 forearm to palm plank 30 Walking Lunge 400m Run ***bonus...where your loaded backpack for all of it :) Friday 03.27.20
“At Home” WOD (Scroll down for no equipment version) "Deck of Cards" Spades - Goblet Squats Clubs - Burpees Diamonds - Russian Twist Hearts - Single Arm DB Strict Press 10, J, Q, K, A all equal 10 reps WARM-UP 3 Rds 30 Seconds Samson Stretch 15 Glute Bridges 30 Sec Cossack Squats 15 Air Squats ***************** "Deck of Cards" (No Equipment Version) Spades - Odd-Object Zercher Squats Clubs - Burpees Hearts - Russian Twist Diamonds - Odd-Object to Shoulder ***************** Extra Core Work 4 sets 30 sec Hollow Hold 30 sec Arch Hold 30 sec Plank Hold (Elbow or Palm) 30 sec Rest Thursday 03.26.20
“At Home” WOD (scroll down for no equipment version) "Cindu" 20 Min AmRap 5 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 30 Double-Unders Stimulus •"Cindu" alternates between upper body pull, and upper body push, lower body push, and conditioning •Let's break these up in a way that you would if you were completing 15 rounds for time •The big things to consider are the upper body movements •The reps on the pull-ups are on the lower side, but there are 75+ strict pull-ups total in this workout •If you need a quick break here, think about going 3-2 •The push-ups can add up over these rounds •Breaking these up into quick sets of 5-5 or 4-3-3 can help you stay consistent •The air squats help you pace out workout and provide a break for the upper half •Move at a pace through those that allows you to thrive on the upper body movements •Choose rep number or variation that allows double unders to be completed in 1 set Warm-Up 2-3 Sets 5 Inchworms 30 sec Hollow Hold 10 Scapular Pull-Ups 30 sec Arch Hold 5 Air Squats (with 3 second pause at the bottom) ******************** "Cindu" (No Equipment Version) AMRAP 20 Minutes: 15 Odd-Object Rows 15 Pushups 15 Air Squat Hops (over odd-object) Stimulus •"Cindu" alternates between upper body pull, and upper body push, lower body push •Let's break these up in a way that you would if you were completing 20 rounds for time •The big things to consider are the upper body movements •The push-ups can add up over these rounds •Breaking these up into quick sets of 5-5 or 4-3-3 can help you stay consistent •For the air squats hops let's jump latterally over our odd-object •Move at a pace through those that allows you to thrive on the upper body movements *Extra Work* 3 sets 1 Min Alt shoulder taps 1 Min Russian Twist 1 Min Leg Lifts 1 Min Rest Wednesday 03.25.20
“At Home” WOD (Scroll down for now equipment version) "Three-Peat" *Running clock* A. On the 0:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Single Arm Hang Snatches B. On the 7:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Single Arm Power Cleans C. On the 14:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Singe Arm Thrusters *DB 50/35 Or KB 53/35 On all DB/KB movements, alternate hands every 5 repetitions. Stimulus • We'll begin each of the 3 round sets every 7 minutes ( 0:00, 7:00, 14:00) • If the 3 round sets takes less then 7 minutes to complete you will rest the remainder of the time • On each of the 3 dumbbell movements we'll alternate hands every 5 reps • Single Arm Hang snatches will come from in between the legs, starting just above the knee • Single Arm Power cleans will start in between the feet with both ends of the dumbbell on the ground Warm-Up 2-3 Sets 15 Knuckle Drags 15 Glute Bridges 15 Air Squats ****************** "Three-Peat" (No Equipment Version) With a running clock A. On the 0:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Odd-Object Ground-to-Overhead B. On the 7:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Odd-Object Step-Ups C. On the 14:00… 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Odd-Object Thrusters ****************** Extra work 1 mile run for time Tuesday 03.24.20
Tuesday 03.24.20 “At Home” WOD (scroll down for no equipment version) "Gravity" 5 RFT 80 Double-Unders 40 Sit-Ups 20 Pushups 10 Reverse Burpees Stimulus •5 RFT for this longer conditioning piece •Choose a double under number or variation that you can complete in no more then 2 sets each round (120 single unders for sub) •Let's think about breaking up the push-ups up from the beginning knowing they're going to catch up to us in rounds 4 and 5 •Score will be time of completion Warm-Up EMOM 12: Minute 1: :30 Jump Rope Minute 2: 10 Cossack Squats (Alt lateral lunge) Minute 3: 20 Step Back Lunges Minute 4: :30 Active Divebombers "Gravity" (No Equipment Version) 5 Rounds For Time: 60 "Dot Hops" 40 Sit-Ups 20 Pushups 10 Reverse Burpees **EXTRA WORK** Gymnastics Skill For Time: (5 Min Cap) 50 Strict HSPU *SUBS* Strict HSPU •Reduce Reps •Max Reps in 5 Minutes •Double DB Strict Press •Feet Elevated (Reduces Weight Being Pressed) Monday 03.23.20
(scroll down for no equipment version) "Cairo" Ascending Ladder for 15:00: 3 Strict Pull-Ups 3 Single Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans 3 Dumbbell Facing Burpees 6 Strict Pull-Ups 6 Single Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans 6 Dumbbell Facing Burpees *Continue adding 3 reps to each movements *Athlete's choice on when to alternate hands on the single arm cleans. Stimulus •Let's see how far we can get in this 15 Minute workout •After each set of burpees we'll add 2 reps to each movement •Athlete's choice on when to alternate hands on the single arm cleans. •Choose rep schemes to hold onto through the workout that will allow us to continue good movement patterns •We want planned breaks here, and not to get forced into long breaks Warm-up For Quality: 2 Inchworms 2 Strict Pull-ups 2 Broad Jumps 4 Inchworms 4 Strict Pull-ups 4 Broad Jumps 6 Inchworms 6 Strict Pull-ups 6 Broad Jumps Post WOD Body Armor 3 sets (not for time) 10 bent over rows 10 alt Pistol 10 Alt DB/KB snatch 10 Alt Pistols *rest 2:00 between sets "Cairo" (No Equipment Version): Ascending Ladder for 15:00: 2 Odd-Object to Shoulder 2 Odd-Object Goblet Squats 2 Odd-Object Facing Burpees 4 Odd-Object to Shoulder 4 Odd-Object Goblet Squats 4 Odd- Object Facing Burpees *Continue to add 2 reps to each movement Stimulus •Let's see how far we can get in this 15 Minute workout •After each set of burpees we'll add 2 reps to each movement •Let's try to hold on to the Odd-Object through the squats and break up the Odd-Object to shoulder when we need to •Your score here will be total rounds + rep For Example * If you complete the rounds of 12's for each movement and make it through 14 Odd-Object to Shoulder and 10 Odd-Object Goblet Squats your score would be 12+24 •We want planned breaks here, and not to get forced into long breaks Saturday 03.21.20 “At Home” WOD "Tic Tac Go" 25 Min AmRap 10 Air Squats + 400m Run 20 Air Squats + 400m Run 30 Air Squats + 400m Run Continue to add (10) squats per round Stimulus • Working through a longer 25 minute workout today • After each run we'll add 10 reps to our Air Squats • Our score today will be the amount of Air Squats we complete plus however many reps we get into the next round • For ease let's count the run as 4 reps for the full 400m run (300=3, 200=2, 100=1) • For Example ** * If you finish the round of 40 Air Squats + the 400m Run and get 10 squats into the next round your score will be 44+10 Warm-Up 2-3 Sets 200m Run 15 Glute Bridges 15 Knuckle Drags |
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