Monday, June 1 Strength - Deadlift (Add 10# to 1 RM & take 90%) WU 5@65% 5@75% 5+@85% WOD - 3RFT Rx 400 m run 6 Cluster 135/95 12 Burpee Pull-ups L2 400m run 6 Cluster 105/65 12 Burpee Pull-up L1 400m run 6 Clusters 75/35 12 Burpee Jump Pull-up
Friday, May 29 Skill - Goat Work Partner WOD - 6 Rounds (switch every round) Partner A 1 min Row 1 min DU 1 min Burpees Partner B 400m run Score is running total on 3 does not count Thursday, May 28
Strength - Bench Press - (90% of 1RM) 5@65% 5@75% 5+@85% WOD - 15 Min AmRap Rx 5 Power Clean 135/95 15 WB 20/16 L2 5 Power Clean 115/75 15 WB 16/14 L1 5 Power Clean 95/55 15 WB 14/10 Wednesday, May 27
Skill - Muscle up work, transitional muscle up work Partner WOD 1 (9 min Time Cap) by 2 until time runs out) Rx Power Snatch 135/95 Burpee over bar L2 Power Snatch 115/75 Burpee over bar L1 Power Snatch 85/45 Burpee over bar ****split reps however you choose**** REST 3 minutes Partner WOD 2 - (9 min time cap) 21,15,9 Rx KBS 70/53 T2B L2 KBS 53/35 Almost T2B L1 KBS 35/13 Lying T2B partner works at a time and each does the 21,15,9....both must complete the 21's then 15's then 9's Tuesday, May 26
Strength - Back Squat (90% of 1RM) 5@65% 5@75% 5+@85% WOD - 3 RFT Rx 400m run 21 DU 15 Burpees 9 Front Squats (135/95) L2 400m run 21 DU 15 Burpees 9 Front Squats (115/75) L1 400m run 21 DU Progressions 15 Mod Burpees 9 Front squats 95/55 Thursday, May 21
WOD - CrossFit Regionals Event 6 (5 rounds) RX 25 cal row 15 C2B 9 Strict deficit HSPU L2 400m run 15 Pull-ups 9 HSPU (1) L1 400m run 15 Jump PU 9 Mod HSPU Wednesday, May 20 WOD - Tommy V Rx 21 Thrusters 115/75 12 rope climb 15 Thrusters 9 Rope Climb 9 Thrusters 6 Rope Climb L2 21 Thrusters 95/55 6 rope climb 15 Thrusters 4 Rope Climb 9 Thrusters 2 Rope Climb L1 21 Thrusters 75/35 3 knotted RC or 9 Pulls 15 Thrusters 2 knotted RC or 6 Pulls 9 Thrusters 1 knotted RC or 3 pulls *****may do solo or as a partner WOD Tuesday, May 19
WOD - Regional Event 3 (40 min) RX 1 mile run 50 OHS 135/95 100 GHD sit-ups 150 DU 50 SDHP 135/95 100 Box Jump Overs 24/20" L2 1 mile run 50 OHS 105/65 50 GHD sit-ups 100 DU 50 SDHP 105/65 100 Box Jump Overs 20" L1 1 mile run 50 OHS 75/35 50 sit-ups 50 DU progressions 50 SDHP 75/35 100 Box Jump Overs 12" Monday, May 18
Strength - Deadlift (90% of 1RM) WU 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95% WOD - Regional Event 7 RX 15 ring muscle ups Squat Clean ladder M - 205,225,245,255,265 F - 135,145,155,165,175 L2 15 C2B Pull-ups 15 Ring Dips Squat Clean Ladder M - 155,175,185,195,205 F - 95,105,115,125,135 L1 15 Pull-ups or Jump pull-ups 15 Banded ring dips or Tricep dips Squat Clean Ladder M - 105,125,135,145,155 F- 55,65,75,85,95 |
January 2021
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